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IPDAL renews Patronage

IPDAL contributed to the “ALL WE ARE PARENTS” initiative, promoted by the National Museum of Ancient Art (MNAA).

The President of IPDAL guarantees that “the Institute remains committed to supporting all types of initiatives that promote and defend the common values shared by our Latin culture and identity, whether in America or Europe and especially in Portugal. We increasingly feel the obligation to be at the forefront of supporting these types of causes, which we consider fundamental for the country.”

The objective of this campaign is to raise the €40,000 needed to restore the largest nativity scene in the MNAA collection. It is also the only one that has not yet been repaired since its acquisition. According to the Museum, “Due to its monumentality (358 x 422 x 162 cm), the conservation and restoration of this nativity scene – cleaning and consolidation of its more than 100 polychrome baked clay pieces, the scenery that surrounds them and the “dobby” , or closet, that stores it – is a detailed and complex process.”

Find out how to help at: http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/exposicoes/todos-somos-mecenas

Photography credits: http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/exposicoes/todos-somos-mecenas