The President and Secretary General of IPDAL were present at the VI International Conference organized by the Spanish newspaper ABC and the Euroamérica Foundation.
On the 23rd and 24th of April, Paulo Neves and Filipe Domingues traveled to Madrid, to attend the event whose theme was “The Financial Sector, Key to Economic Recovery”.
Speakers at this event were the President of the Euroamérica Foundation, Benita Ferrero Waldner, the President of BBVA, Francisco González, the President of the ABC newspaper, Catalina Luca de Tena, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain, José Manuel Soria, the Secretary of State for Commerce of Spain, Jaime García-Legaz, the former Minister of Economy of Spain, Carlos Solchaga, as well as representatives of the World Bank, WTO, IDB, IMF, ECB, CAF, SEGIB, Bank of Spain, among others .
The two IPDAL leaders took advantage of their presence in Madrid to hold a series of meetings with the Institute’s partner institutions.
The President and General Secretary of IPDAL were present at the VI International Conference organized by the Spanish periodical ABC and the Fundación Euroamérica.
Last April 23 and 24, Paulo Neves and Filipe Domingues traveled to Madrid to attend the event which had the theme “Financial sector, key to economic recovery”.
Some of its constituents were the President of the Fundación Euroamérica, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the president of BBVA, Francisco González, the President of ABC, Catalina Luca de Tena, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain, José Manuel Soria, the Secretary of State for Commerce of Spain, Jaime García-Legaz, the former Minister of Economy of Spain, Carlos Solchaga and representatives of the World Bank, WTO, IDB, IMF, ECB, CAF, SEGIB, Banco de España, among others.
The directors of IPDAL approved their presence in Madrid to hold a set of meetings with the institutions associated with the Institute.