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IPDAL participates in colloquium at the Assembly of the Republic

IPDAL was represented at the colloquium “The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States – CELAC”, organized by the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs.

On March 28th, Professor Nancy Gomes, member of the IPDAL Advisory Board, gave a presentation about CELAC, where she explained the historical background and political context in which the most recent regional integration mechanism in Latin America emerged. In the Senate Room, of the Assembly of the Republic, Professor Nancy Gomes said that CELAC seeks, for the first time in the history of Latin American regional integration, “its own solutions for its own problems”. At the presentation table, the ambassadors of the countries holding the presidency were also present. pro tempore (Chile, Venezuela and Cuba) and the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Dr. Alberto Martins. The debate was attended by deputies from the main Portuguese political parties, ambassadors from Latin American countries, members of the diplomatic corps from several countries, the Secretary General of IPDAL and guests.

IPDAL PARTICIPATES IN THE SYMPOSIUM IN THE ASEMBLEA OF THE REPÚBLICA IPDAL was represented in the colloquium “La Comunidad de Estados Latino-Americanos y del Caribe – CELAC”, organized by the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs. Last March 28, Professor Nancy Gomes, member of the IPDAL Consultive Council, gave a presentation on CELAC and explained the historical and political context from which the latest mechanism for regional integration in Latin America emerged. In the Senate Chamber, of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, Professor Nancy Gomes noted that CELAC was seeking, for the first time in the history of Latin American integration, “its own solutions for its own problems”. At the table of the ponents, the ambassadors of the countries with the presidency were also present pro tempore (Chile, Venezuela and Cuba) and the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Dr. Alberto Martins. In the debate, deputies from the main Portuguese political parties, ambassadors from Latin American countries, members of the diplomatic corps from several countries, the Secretary-General of IPDAL and other guests will also participate.