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IPDAL organizes dinner with Real Instituto Elcano

The Institute co-organized, with the Real Instituto Elcano, a formal dinner on the occasion of the visit to Portugal by the main Spanish think tank.

On January 25th, IPDAL brought together members of parliament, Ibero-American ambassadors, university rectors, journalists and opinion makers, representatives of international foundations, honorary consuls, presidents and administrators of large Portuguese and multinational companies.

The Director of the Real Instituto Elcano, Charles Powell, held a presentation on the current political and economic situation in Spain, with emphasis on the crisis in Catalonia, answering questions from various guests. Latin American ambassadors were also asked about the current political situation in their countries and the ongoing electoral processes.

The Real Instituto Elcano was recently considered the 9th best think tank in Europe and the 23rd best in the world, in the area of International Relations