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IPDAL holds debate with European Parliament

The Institute organized, with the Office of the European Parliament in Lisbon, a conference dedicated to debating relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean.

“Trade agreements are a necessary factor for the development of economies. Free trade and an open economy policy are crucial to maintaining Peace.” This was one of the key ideas of the debate in which Portuguese MEPs Francisco Assis and António Marinho e Pinto participated.

The President of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Mercosur and the Vice-President of the Delegation for Relations with Brazil defended the need for the European Union to lose its fear and open its markets to Latin American countries. Francisco Assis and António Marinho e Pinto stressed that it is essential that concessions are made and commitments are reached, so that progress can be made in implementing the EU-Mercosur Treaty.

The debate had as its backdrop the European Parliament’s resolution on the European Union’s political relations with Latin America, approved on September 13th, in the Strasbourg Hemicycle.

Several Latin American and European ambassadors, academics, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chambers of Commerce attended the conference.