Government praises the continuity of the Institute’s work, at the 5th Latin America Meeting – CPLP.
At the headquarters of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation dedicated “a word of great appreciation” to IPDAL for carrying out the fifth initiative aimed at strengthening the relationship between Latin America and the CPLP. For Teresa Ribeiro, “what is difficult is maintaining continuity and that is what produces results”.
On October 21st, Paulo Neves, President of the Institute, once again insisted on the need for a “common agenda” for the two blocks of countries, as they share the same set of challenges and opportunities for development, in the political-diplomatic spheres. , economic and social.
The Executive Secretary of the CPLP, Francisco Ribeiro Telles, also thanked IPDAL for its contribution to strengthening this dynamic and highlighted the role of the Community in political-diplomatic consultation, as well as in socio-cultural and, more recently, in business.
The Deputy Secretary General of SEGIB proposed an even greater rapprochement between the two institutions, which would allow for a more effective exchange of experiences and an improvement in the living conditions of their populations.
Several ambassadors from African countries, as well as Latin America, also participated. The diplomatic representatives had the opportunity to share their respective views on the importance that their governments attach to this relationship, in particular on triangular cooperation projects and their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Finally, the Secretary General of UCCLA and the Director in Portugal of the OEI intervened.
Some of the largest Portuguese companies were present, namely from the energy, telecommunications, infrastructure and services sectors.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3FBGLMp6c8#action=share
Photographs: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IPDAL-Instituto-para-a-Promo%C3%A7%C3%A3o-da-Am%C3%A9rica-Latina-e-Cara%C3%ADbas- 136776496378103/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2512570412132021