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IPDAL awards best International Relations student

The Secretary

-General of IPDAL handed over an envelope with a trip to Brazil to the best final year student in International Relations at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL).

On December 13th, UAL celebrated its 27th anniversary and presented awards to the best students and diplomas to masters and graduates in the 2011/2012 academic year.

IPDAL distinguished the best final year student in International Relations, awarding as a prize a plane ticket to Salvador da Bahía, Brazil, on a SATA flight.

IPDAL awards prize to the best International Relations student

The General Secretary of IPDAL handed over a trip to Brazil to the best final year student in International Relations at the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL).

Last December 13, UAL celebrated its 27th anniversary and presented awards to the best students and teachers and also distributed diplomas to graduates and Masters of the 2011/2012 academic year.

IPDAL has distinguished the best finalist student in International Relations by giving a prize for a plane trip to Salvador de Bahía, Brazil, on a SATA flight.