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IPDAL at a conference held by Caixa Geral de Depósitos/Jornal de Negócios

“Latin America in 2012: Challenges and Opportunities” was the theme chosen by IPDAL for a talk at the conference “Export and Internationalize: Latin America” promoted by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Jornal de Negócios, on December 13th, at the University from Aveiro.

For around thirty minutes, IPDAL board member Filipe Domingues described, before an audience of around 50 businesspeople, the region’s macroeconomic and political scenario, presented growth forecasts for each country and highlighted the importance of the competitive advantage that Portuguese companies find themselves in the Latin American market. The panel of speakers was made up of CGD Administrator Nuno Fernandes Thomaz, Deputy Director of Jornal de Negócios Helena Garrido, CEO of Sinuta Diamantino Nunes and IPDAL Board member Filipe Domingues. At the end of the presentations, the businesspeople also had the opportunity to ask questions and raise pertinent issues about the internationalization process.


“Latin America in 2012: Challenges and Opportunities” was the theme chosen by IPDAL for a presentation at the conference “Export and Internationalization: Latin America” promoted by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Jornal de Negócios on December 13, in the University of Aveiro. During three minutes, the member of the IPDAL Directorate Filipe Domingues described, in front of an audience of around 50 businesspeople, the macroeconomic and political scenario of the region, presenting the growth forecasts of each country and highlighting the importance of the competitive advantages that Portuguese companies enter the Latin American market. The panel of speakers is made up of the CGD Administrator Nuno Fernandes Thomaz, the Director of the Business Newspaper Helena Garrido, the CEO of Sinuta Diamantino Nunes and the member of the IPDAL Board of Directors Filipe Domingues. At the end of the presentations, businesspeople also had the opportunity to ask questions and raise pertinent questions about the internationalization process.

Also read the news here: http://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/index.php?template=pda_shownews&id=527859