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IPDAL and CGD organize Business Forum with more than 400 entrepreneurs

The Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America (IPDAL) and Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) held the largest Business Forum dedicated to Latin America, in Portugal.

On October 11th, more than 400 businesspeople accepted the invitation from IPDAL and CGD to attend the presentation of business opportunities in Latin American countries. In the Culturgest Grand Auditorium, the Ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, as well as a representative of Colombia, presented the economies of their respective countries, investment project portfolios, information on internal markets, free trade agreements, among other indicators, and also had the opportunity to exchange contacts with the businesspeople present.

Nuno Fernandes Thomaz, Director of CGD, assured that Caixa is willing to help Portuguese companies in their internationalization process and that it has financing to allocate.

The President of IPDAL demonstrated how and through what mechanisms and services the Institute supports, advises and monitors companies with interests in Latin America. The Secretary General made an intervention where he highlighted the recent business mission carried out to Latin America and explained the processes and steps taken by IPDAL, which allowed the success achieved.

See the video by clicking here or following the link https://www.cgd.pt/Site/Galeria-Media/Conferencias-Seminarios/Outras-Conferencias/Pages/2012-Conferencia-IPDAL-CGD.aspx


The Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America (IPDAL) and the Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) will hold the largest Business Forum dedicated to Latin America, in Portugal.

More than 400 businesspeople accepted the invitation from IPDAL and CGD to attend the presentation of business opportunities in Latin American countries, on October 11th. In the Grand Auditorium of the Culturgest, the Ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, and a representative of Colombia, presented the economies of their countries, the portfolios of investment projects, information about them national markets, free trade agreements, among other indicators, and provide the opportunity to establish contacts with businesspeople.

Nuno Fernandes Thomaz, Administrator of CGD, guaranteed that Caixa is willing to help Portuguese companies in their internationalization process and that they have financing to allocate.

The President of IPDAL demonstrated how the Institute’s mechanisms and services support, advise and accompany companies with interests in Latin America. The Secretary General highlighted the recent business mission to Latin America, explaining the processes and management carried out by IPDAL, which allowed us to achieve success