The Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America and Caixa-Geral de Depósitos brought together more than 500 businesspeople at the II Business Forum “Business Opportunities in Latin America”.
In October 2012, IPDAL and CGD had already brought together more than 400 entrepreneurs at Culturgest but, on the 16th of May, this record was surpassed. The initiative, which took place at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, became the largest business forum dedicated to Latin America, in Portugal.

During one afternoon, diplomatic representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic presented their countries’ business opportunities and also had the opportunity to exchange contacts with the businesspeople present.

Luís Rego, Director of CGD, guaranteed that Caixa is the appropriate partner for the internationalization of Portuguese companies, due to the extensive experience, solidity and coverage they have in foreign markets.

The President of IPDAL gave practical advice to companies and spoke about the Institute’s experience in Latin American markets. The Secretary General made an intervention where he highlighted the monitoring services provided by IPDAL to companies that intend to approach these markets.