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Luís Filipe Ramalho Alves de Sousa

Luís Filipe Ramalho Alves de Sousa

He is 72 years old, married and has 2 children.

He was born in Porto, where he studied and worked until 1972.

From 1972 to 74 he completed his Military Service in Portugal and Angola.

Since 1973, he has developed his activity in the areas of Real Estate and Tourism, in Angola, France and Portugal.

He was an association leader for several years.

Lives in Lisbon.



Deputy Administration of the companies Tudangol, SARL – Luanda (1973/1974)

and Holiclub, SARL (1975/1976); Director of Holiclub (France) – Paris (1975/1977)

Partner and Director of the Company Douro, SARL – Paris (1977/1979) and Managing Partner

das Empresas Prediurbana, Lda (1977/1988); Homcare Portuguesa, Lda (1982/1990);

Triagem, Lda (1987/1990); Quebra Nozes, Lda (1982/1996); Tropihotel, Lda (Hotel

Britania Heritage (1977/to date); Administrator of Anunciada, SA – Hotel Heritage

Avenida da Liberdade (2016/2022).

As a company representative, he was a founding partner

From the Portuguese Association of Direct Sales Companies and the Association of Hotels of Portugal.

In the area of Associativism, he was Vice-president and President of the Board of AHP – Associação dos Hotéis de Portugal (1997/2006); Vice-President of the Portuguese Tourism Confederation (2000/2006); Member of the Cons. Tourism Sector, CEPT and CES (2000/2006); Member of the General Council of AHP (2006/to date); President of the General Assembly of Lisbon Tourism (2003/2005); Member of the Advisory Board of VORTAL SA (2008/2018); Member of the IPDAL Advisory Board (2008/to date).

Representing the Private Sector, he was part of SETurismo’s GT for the recovery and financing of Tourism Companies (2011/2012).