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Resolution on European Union-Latin America Relations

IPDAL explains the priorities defined by the European Parliament for the European Union’s relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean.

The document approved on September 13, 2017 highlights that, following the economic crisis, the European Union (EU) and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) face common challenges in the areas of sustainable economic development, the fight against unemployment , social inclusion and equality between men and women.

It is also highlighted that global challenges provide new opportunities and channels of cooperation, for the good functioning of the EU-LAC strategic alliance.

Despite a reduction in poverty figures over the last decade in the LAC region, socioeconomic inequality continues to be the biggest obstacle in the development of the sub-continent. According to the European Parliament, the ways to overcome these challenges include inclusive social development, the equitable distribution of wealth and an improvement in public health and education services. Analyzing the new geopolitical scenario, the LAC region must be seen as a strategic priority and an opportunity for the EU’s foreign policy, as both regions share a common vision and values on multilateralism, dialogue and the rule of law.

The European Parliament argues that the EU-LAC partnership must take into account economic differences between regions, so as not to worsen asymmetries between continents, and must consider the growing presence of European companies in the region as a factor in strengthening Latin American economies. .

With regard to the development of political-economic relations, the Resolution welcomes the accession protocol of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru to the Free Trade Agreement with the EU; highlights the importance of affirming the EU-Mexico Global Agreement, as well as the Association Agreement with Chile; highlights the signing of the EU Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with the Republic of Cuba; refers to the dynamism of the Pacific Alliance, proposing that the EU participate as an Observer in this Alliance.

The Resolution also supports the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and considers it essential to accelerate negotiations between the EU and Mercosur, with a view to obtaining a mutually beneficial and balanced agreement for the two blocs, capable of strengthening historical, social relations , economic and cultural as well as trust between people.

Regarding financing the economy, the resolution supports increasing the European Investment Bank’s external lending mandate for Latin America, to reinforce development and support for SMEs. Finally, the approved text recognizes the importance of Ibero-American Summits and highlights the commitment of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) in areas such as youth, education and entrepreneurship.

The document also sends a message in defense of democracy and peace, reiterating support for the peace process in Colombia, as a fundamental step for the future of Colombians and for the stabilization of the region. He also expresses his concern about the current socioeconomic and political situation in Venezuela.

Photography: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/pt/about-meps.html