The President of IPDAL, Dr. Paulo Neves, sent Her Excellency the Cuban Ambassador to Portugal, Yusmari Díaz, a note of condolences for the tragic explosion at the Hotel Saratoga, in Havana, last Friday.

Exma. Madam Ambassador
Dear Yusmari,
It was with great consternation that we received the news of the tragic accident that occurred in Havana last Friday.
I would like to express to you, on my own behalf, and that of the Institute for the Promotion of Latin America and the Caribbean, our sincere condolences for the dozens of lives lost following the explosion at the Saratoga Hotel. The Institute expresses to you, as well as to the authorities and the entire Cuban people, our wishes for a speedy recovery for all the injured innocents, taking the opportunity to highlight and congratulate the heroic service provided by Cuban emergency professionals in responding to the sad event .
With my best regards friends,
Paulo Neves