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IPDAL supports Congress on Science and Technology in the Atlantic

IPDAL joined the CYTED (Science and Technology for Development) Mini-Forum initiative on “Sustained Use of Resources”. The initiative, which will reflect on “a knowledge and growth agenda for peripheral and maritime regions”, takes place on the 15th and 16th of June in Ponta Delgada, on the Island of São Miguel in the Azores, at the University of the Azores. Sessions start at 9:30 am and end at 4:30 pm. On the first day, the main topics discussed will be: Portugal, Azores and the potential of Ibero-America; science for resilience and the role of seismology; energy as a research-based activity and the case of geo-thermal energy in the Ibero-American region. These debates will have speakers such as António Costa e Silva (President of Partex), Luís Fretes (Former Ambassador of Paraguay) and CYTED managers. On the 16th, issues such as mining as an opportunity for diversification will be analyzed; marine resources, biodiversity and geodiversity; culture and creativity as a driver of tourism and ecology as a source of innovation in tourism. Some of the guests are José Antonio Samaniego (President of the Institute of Engineers of Mines of Peru) and Filipe Porteiro (Regional Director of Maritime Affairs), among several others.