The President of IPDAL had a meeting in Paris with the diplomatic representatives of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. These are embassies whose ambassadors are also accredited in Portugal, but who reside in Paris. The Ambassador of Honduras to France, Monaco and Portugal hosted the meeting. In the evening, Ambassador Eleonora Ortez Williams hosted an official dinner in honor of the President of IPDAL.
In the meeting with diplomats from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, activities were identified that IPDAL will carry out in Lisbon – some already this year – with competing embassies in Paris. To address this situation, the President of IPDAL held a meeting with the Ambassador of Portugal in Paris, Francisco Seixas da Costa. It was at the Portuguese embassy in Paris.

IPDAL MEETS IN PARIS WITH COMPETITION AMBASSADORS The President of IPDAL held a meeting in Paris with the diplomatic representatives of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. These are embassies whose embassies are accredited in Portugal but reside in Paris. The Ambassador of Honduras in France, Monaco and Portugal was the host of the meeting. In the evening, Ambassador Eleonora Ortez offered an official scene in honor of the President of IPDAL. During the meeting with diplomats from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, activities that IPDAL will carry out in Lisbon were identified – some of them for this year – with them embassed in residents. To inform you of these developments, the President of IPDAL attended a meeting with the Ambassador of Portugal in Paris, Francisco Seixas da Costa, at the Portuguese Embassy.