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IPDAL distinguishes Ambassador of Argentina

The Institute presented the IPDAL-Vista Alegre Award to Ambassador Oscar Moscariello.

On the occasion of the end of its diplomatic mission, and due to the quality of the work carried out during the last four years in Lisbon, IPDAL decided to pay tribute to the representative of the Argentine State in Portugal.

Oscar Moscariello was appointed by President Mauricio Macri in 2015 and actively participated in IPDAL initiatives, always demonstrating great enthusiasm and deference for the Institute’s actions. The Ambassador, who returns to Buenos Aires, frequently collaborated with IPDAL and contributed to strengthening relations between his country and Portugal.

The Prize was awarded on December 4th, at the Grémio Literário, and dozens of ambassadors were present, namely the Apostolic Nuncio, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director of the Organization of Ibero-American States, businesspeople, academics and representatives of the Argentine community in Portugal