Organized by IPDAL – Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America – and Publituris – the largest Portuguese trade newspaper, the II Forum “Turismo-América Latina IPDAL-Publituris” took place in Lisbon, at the Hotel Fontana Park.

It was on April 8th. All Latin American Embassies in Portugal (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela and Ecuador) and Andorra participated.
The main players in Portuguese tourism also participated: TAP, SATA, White, EuroAtlantic, Nortravel, Air Europa, Best Travel, GEA, Grupo Pestana, Grupo Vila Galé, Grupo D.Pedro and Sol Tropico.
The Forum’s objectives were: to discuss the best way to promote Latin American destinations in Portugal and find out what’s new for this summer. The Secretary of State for Tourism, Bernardo Trindade, inaugurated the work and praised IPDAL’s role in promoting Portugal in Latin America and in Latin America in Portugal.
The opening session also featured words from the President of IPDAL, Paulo Neves, and the director of the newspaper Publituris, Ruben Obadia.
After the Forum there was a networking lunch.
Organized by IPDAL – Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America – and by Publituris – the largest Portuguese trade diary, it took place in Lisbon, at the Hotel Fontana Park, at the II Forum “Turismo-América Latina IPDAL-Publituris”.
It was April 8th. All Latin American Embassies in Portugal (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela and Ecuador) and Andorra participated.
The main Portuguese tourism operators also participated: TAP, SATA, White, EuroAtlantic, Nortravel, Air Europa, Best Travel, GEA, Grupo Pestana, Grupo Vila Galé, Grupo D.Pedro and Sol Tropico.
The objectives of the Forum were: to discuss the best way to promote tourist destinations in Latin America in Portugal and discover new tourist attractions for this summer.
The Secretary of State for Tourism, Bernardo Trindade, inaugurated the work and praised the role of IPDAL in promoting Portugal in Latin America.
The opening session also included the words of the President of IPDAL, Paulo Neves, and the Director of the newspaper Publituris, Ruben Obadia.
Luego del Forum was a networking lunch.