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CAF Academic Essays Award

IPDAL was chosen by the Development Bank of Latin America to be the partner, in Portugal, of the “Ideas for the future” competition.

This challenge aims to bring together the views of young university students on the development challenges faced by Latin America and the Caribbean. The competition is aimed at students mainly studying economics, international relations and management, but accepts applications from any area of knowledge. Prizes will be awarded for the best national essays and, subsequently, for the three best essays at Ibero-American level. The Ibero-American winners will have the opportunity to present their work at the CAF Conference in Latin America, which will take place in Mexico City, in November 2020, and will also be able to receive the following prizes: Guillermo Perry Prize: USD 3,000 Second place: USD 2,000 Third place: USD 1,000 Essays must be sent by September 4th, using the form on contest web page , where all the information is found. The national winners will be announced on October 1st and the Ibero-American winners on November 5th, 2020 on the same page. We also invite you to watch the Institutional video of the Initiative on Youtube , just like the post on twitter . IPDAL is available for any additional clarification.